pet peeve definition
- n.
a major or principal annoyance or complaint. : Dirty dishes in restaurants are my pet peeve.
I , like many in the restaurant industry have a bunch of pet peeves when at dining at restaurants. Just ask my wife who has to put up hearing about everything everyone is doing wrong everywhere we eat.
1. Don't come to my table and ask "how are you guy's doing?" or even worse as we are departing say "thanks guys". I am not sure why this bugs me so much but it does. Its kind of like the whole "I'm good" response to me. When someone asks me if I want something I would never say "I'm good" instead of no thank you. I drove my son crazy with this.
2. Never put a check presenter in your pants. Now, one would think this is common sense right? Why do people think its ok to put a check presenter down their pants at the small of the back? I don't really want to handle something that has been down your pants now matter how cute you are.
3. Say "your welcome" when I say thank you not "no problem", " all good" or any other thing that doesn't mean your welcome.
thanks I have more but its even annoying talking about things that are annoying.